Businesses heard first-hand from leaders on Central Queensland project developments and industry trends. The event was held last 8th of October 2020.
If you would like to become a 2021 speaker or event partner, please send your expressions of interest to or call 07 4972 9060 for more information.
2020 Presenters

Robert Williamson
Alpha HPA

Kerry Parker
Australian Future Energy
A Chartered Accountant, 8 years with KPMG in various corporate advisory roles and Chief Financial Officer and Managing Director roles with a number of ASX listed entities, including Arrow Energy Limited, CH4 Gas Limited, Panax Geothermal Limited, and Unity Mining Limited.
Kerry has also held senior finance positions with both Downer Group and Santos and a number of Non-Executive Director roles with publicly listed and private companies in the resources sector.

Rosie King / Nick Farrington
Energy Estate
Nick Farrington is a business leader with a track record in developing long term and sustainable growth for businesses in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and North America within the Power, Renewables, Transport and Infrastructure sectors. With over 20 years’ experience and industry knowledge, Nick has been successful in start-ups into new markets, strategic marketing and partnerships, launching new products and services, and project life cycle management.

David Lockwood
Gladstone Ports Corporation
David is currently the Acting Technical Services Manager at Gladstone Ports Corporation. Over the past seven years David has been involved in the development and implementation of capital and major maintenance programmes and delivery of projects across GPC’s operating terminals.
He’s passionate about ensuring the port’s assets are managed throughout their lifecycle to ensure the viability of the port and its operations into the future.

Attilio Pigneri
H2U operates a unique business model, combining ESCO-style performance-contracting mechanisms with a portfolio of energy services focused on integration and value adding of renewable energy resources.
H2U is based in Australia and operating throughout the Asia-Pacific.
Attilio is the current President of the Australian Association for Hydrogen Energy (AAHE), and was the Chairman of the successful World Hydrogen Technologies Convention, held in Sydney in October 2015.
Attilio serves on the AEMO Expert Panel and the steering committee on the National Hydrogen Roadmap

Michael Gray
NewBlack Energy
During that time he has been involved in the planning and development of a number of Queensland’s most successful greenfield coal projects including Coppabella, Moorvale, Middlemount and most recently the Bluff Coal Project.
Earlier in his career Michael worked at the Queensland Government’s Office of the Coordinator General, he was involved in a number of Queensland’s major port expansion projects, and was a founding Director of the Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal.
Michael is also the CEO of NewBlack Energy Pty Ltd, a specialist coal industry advisory company, and a Non-Executive Director of Resource Generation Limited, an ASX-listed company seeking to develop greenfield coal projects in South Africa.

Pine Pienaar
Queensland Alumina Ltd
Pine has taken stewardship of the plant’s 5 Year Environmental Strategy, a consortium of 60 capital improvement projects estimated to total over $400M. In progress since mid-2018, the strategic projects will reduce the plant’s environmental risk and emissions potential in the focus areas of dust, water, land, air, noise and culture. Pine’s focus is to support the plant to deliver this work safely and prioritise the local economy, with the majority of execution works carried out by a Gladstone-based workforce.

Dr. Jannie Grové /Dr Peter Zambelli
Queensland Energy Resources
Jannie is a professional chemical engineer and QER’s Technical Director. Over the course of his 25+ year career he has worked in South Africa, the USA and Australia with broad experience in process innovation, project development, design, implementation, plant commissioning and plant operations in the mining, energy and chemical industries.
Dr Peter Zambelli
Peter is Queensland Energy Resource’s (QER’s) General Manager. He has 30 years resource industry experience, working initially as a geologist and then for most of his career in people management and stakeholder relations, including over ten years working for Rio Tinto in Australia and Asia. He has a PhD in management from UQ and has a research interest in preconceptions and their influence on decisions and performance in large and small organisations.

Andrew Barger
Queensland Resources Council
As QRC’s Policy Director – Infrastructure & Economics, Andrew’s small team works with QRC members and stakeholders to develop practical policies across a portfolio of issues such as:
→ Economics, royalties & tax
→ Infrastructure issues – rail & ports and water;
→ Energy and climate change; and
→ Tracking industry’s annual local contribution to the Queensland economy through our unique postcode data.

Mick Allen
Rockhampton Manufacturing Hub

Tino Ferrero
Rookwood Weir Project
Tino’s experience comes from management and accountability for recent projects, including Bulk Water Alliance (Cotter Dam, Googong Spillway and Murrumbidgee to Googong Pipeline), Priority Sewerage Program Alliance, the Sydney Metro Stage 2 Tunnel and Stations Excavation, Hunua 4 Pipeline (New Zealand), Central Plains Irrigation Project (New Zealand), Barwon Water Alliance, Airport Link, and Lane Cove Road Tunnel.

Stephen Quilter
In a career spanning more than 20 years in the energy industry both in Queensland and New South Wales, Mr Quilter has worked in various operational roles including senior engineering and management positions.
Mr Quilter was appointed Executive General Manager Energy Trading and Commercial Strategy at Stanwell in July 2016. In this role, he is responsible for the trading of Stanwell’s generation in the National Electricity Market.
He also oversees the development of commercial strategies targeted at diversifying revenue streams and creating value from Stanwell’s various fuel resources.
2020 Conference partners

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2020 Presentations

Queensland Resources Council
Queensland Resources Council is an independent body representing the commercial developers of Queensland’s minerals & energy resources. Members include Shell Australia, Adani Australia, Origin, Glencore, BHP and Evolution Mining amongst others. QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane will present on future industry development and challenges at the 2020 Major Industry Conference.

Rockhampton Manufacturing Hub
The Queensland Government’s regional manufacturing hubs are places for manufacturers to receive expert advice and support to transition to advanced manufacturing. Located in Rockhampton, Gladstone, Cairns and Townsville, the hubs offer training, business development programs, tailored advice and access to funding from the $13.5 million Manufacturing Hubs Grant Program. The hubs have strong links with universities, schools and TAFE Queensland to develop a workforce with advanced skills in science, technology, engineering, design and mathematics. Rockhampton Manufacturing Hub Director Mick Allen will be present on Central Queensland manufacturing trends at the 2020 Major Industry Conference.

Alpha HPA
The HPA First Process Alumina Refinery is the application of Alpha HPA’s proprietary licensed solvent extraction and refining technology to produce HPA from an industrial feedstock. Alpha HPA Managing Director Rimas Kairaitis will present the latest on this proposed $308 million high-purity alumina industrial plant in Gladstone.

Queensland Alumina Limited
Queensland Alumina Limited is one of the largest alumina refineries in Australia. General Manager Pine Pienaar will be present the latest on QAL’s $130 - $260M 5 Year Environmental Improvement Program and other up-coming capital works projects.

Hydrogen Utility
In February the State Government announced that Gladstone had been selected as the location for The Hydrogen Utility’s (H2U) latest project, H2-Hub Gladstone, a proposed multi-billion chemical complex for the production of green hydrogen and ammonia at industrial-scale. The project, which could create over 100 operational jobs and drive new exports for green hydrogen and ammonia, will be built in stages to integrate up to 3GW in electrolysis plant, and up to 5,000 tonnes per day ammonia production capacity. H2U CEO Attilio Pigneri will provide the latest update on the H2-Hub Gladstone Project at the 2020 Major Industry Conference.

Rookwood Weir
The $352 million Rookwood Weir will be the largest weir operated by Sunwater in Queensland and create more than 200 jobs for Central Queenslanders during construction, contributing to the economic development of the region. The Weir will stand 15.5 metre high and the spillway will cross the Lower Fitzroy River. The successful constructor to partner with Sunwater and GHD to build the Weir will be announced in the near future. Construction of the Weir is on track for early works to commence in late 2020, with in river construction scheduled for April 2021 (weather permitting).

Gladstone Ports Corporation
Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) is Australia’s premier multi-commodity port — and its deepwater port and proximity to Asia they are positioning Queensland for a strong future. Acting Technical Services Manager David Lockwood will be present on a soon-to-be-announced project at the 2020 Major Industry Conference.

Energy Estate
The Central Queensland Power project, 2GW of solar, wind, energy storage and transmission infrastructure, will drive the decarbonisation of Gladstone, and accelerate the energy transition of heavy industry around this critical region. Energy Estate is developing renewable energy projects which will deliver a mix of wind, solar and storage in proximity to Gladstone, allowing for blended generation to create a firmed renewable electricity supply able to meet the 24/7 requirements of existing heavy industry, as well as the wider community, and stimulate the development of new industries such as green hydrogen.

The electricity industry is going through a complex transition from reliance on fossil fuels to lower carbon technologies. In Australia, the proportion of low carbon energy and storage is increasing, but those technologies are not yet at a point where they can function without support from fossil fuel generation. Stanwell’s Executive General Manager Energy Trading and Commercial Strategy Stephen Quilter will present on how Stanwell gets the best of existing assets through initiatives that support a low carbon future, operating strategies for end-of-life assets that support local economics, and working in partnership with state and local government, community and private businesses to support the transition.

NewBlack Energy
NewBlack Energy is a coal industry advisory firm providing specialist advice in relation to concept and feasibility studies, regulatory review and strategy, infrastructure advisory and contract negotiation, concept and feasibility studies and coal market development.

Australian Future Energy
Australian Future Energy Pty Ltd is proposing the development of the $1 billion Gladstone Energy and Ammonia Project, which will provide for the annual production of approx. 330,000 tonnes of ammonia product; approx. 8 PJ of pipeline quality gas; and approx. 25 MW (net) of electrical power. The project, which will create 800 jobs during construction, and 200 operational positions, is expected to be operational in early 2022. AFE Chief Executive Officer Kerry Parker will provide the latest update on the Gladstone Energy and Ammonia Project at the 2020 Major Industry Conference.

Queensland Energy Resources
Jannie and Peter will draw on the case of a current R&D project at the Gladstone facility which has the potential to significantly reduce the cost, emissions and energy requirements of drying the ore – an important processing step when producing fuel from kerogen shale. They will discuss what QER has learned from the experience and ways that we can all set aside our preconceptions and assumptions to turn our problems on their head and find innovative ways to solve them. Sometimes those solutions are staring us in the face!

Contact the GEA Office on 07 4972 9060 or email: today!
2020 Master of Ceremony

In his role as Founding Director of the Coaching Capability Company (COCAPACO), Joe Rea gets to liberate the capabilities of leaders through the development of their leadership competencies. A former Rio Tinto Master Coach, Joe started his career as a Diesel Fitter and Heavy Earthmoving Equipment Apprentice. After working his way up within the organisation, Joe became Boyne Smelters Limited’s General Manager, a position he held for seven years, supporting improvements in safety, quality and operational efficiency during this time. In 2017 BSL was awarded the overall winner of the 2016 Rio Tinto CEO Safety Award, and between 2013 and 2019 the business was recognised six times in the Gladstone Best in Business Awards. Joe was awarded the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) Queensland Manager of the Year Award and AIM National Manager of the Year in 2015. In 2019, Joe was made a Fellow of the Institute of Managers and Leaders, graduated from the Australian Institute of Company Directors and was inducted into Gladstone Engineering Alliance’s Hall of Fame.
Following the Major Industry Conference, is the 2020 GEA Industry Awards, Central Queensland’s industry supply chain’s night of nights.
The Awards Night was held on October 8 at the Auckland House. Business leaders came together to recognise and celebrate the spirit of excellence that was fostered in our highly-skilled industry supply chain.
What delegates said
Overall a very well organised event with great networking opportunities. The speakers were ineresting and informative, as well as the MC Dr Keith Suter. Catering for the day was very good too. The Gala Dinner & Industry Awards Night was a good, social event, and a chance to liaise with businesses in a more relaxed environment.
The GEA Major Industry Conference has been the gold standard for industry events in Central Queensland for 16 years, and I see no reason why this will not continue well into the future. Well done to everyone involved in the day - speakers, sponsors and the GEA Team - you’re a credit to the Gladstone Region community.